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Carrera offers tailored, comprehensive solutions to talent engagement – meeting the unique needs of each client in ensuring employees are motivated and delivering discretionary effort.


All of our programs and services are designed to deliver significant ROI in the short and longer term through aligning business strategy and objectives with critical drivers of engagement and retention.


Our Employee Pulse Surveys are a great place to start – giving employees a voice to share what motivates, engages and frustrates them, we use this data to drive solutions that are going to maximise engagement and retention across all areas of the organisation.

ROI driven solutions to ensure employees are motivated, engaged and delivering discretionary effort.

Pulse Surveys

Customised Pulse Surveys provide regular insight into the challenges and opportunities impacting engagement and performance

Employer Branding & EVP

Design and develop a values-based EVP that aligns with the strategic objectives of the business


Remuneration Benchmarking

Detailed analysis of internal remuneration packages of specific roles against similar roles in identified businesses in the market.


Embed values and behaviours that drive results with a focus on strong communication and accountability at all levels

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